Win It! PETA Lunch Bag
How well do you know your animal facts? Test your knowledge with our quiz, and then tell us how you did for a chance to win a PETA lunch bag.

- Which animals are reportedly the closest living relatives of the Tyrannosaurus rex?
- Which animals’ brains are able to fully repair themselves after they have experienced trauma?
- Which animals are such great parents that in ancient Rome, it was considered a compliment to be told that you must have been raised by that animal?
- Which small animals are so brave that they will fight powerful predators such as eagles and foxes to protect their young?
- Which animals were able to find their way through a maze with a speed comparable to that of dogs?
- Which animals have more bones in their necks than giraffes do?
- Which animals can talk to their mothers from inside their eggshells before they have hatched?
- Which animals’ legs can detect vibrations on the ground and in the atmosphere, allowing them to sense when predators are approaching?
- Like Paul Reveres of the animal kingdom, which animals use different warning calls when predators are approaching by land rather than approaching by air?
- Which animals can remember the faces and social ranks of more than 100 other animals in their group, even after being separated from them for months before being reunited?
Did you guess “chickens” for any of the questions? Did you figure out that “chickens” was the answer to all the questions? Chickens are inquisitive, sensitive, highly social animals whose intellect has been compared to dogs, cats, primates, and human children. For National Chicken Month, please share this contest and encourage everyone you know to stop eating chickens.
To enter to win PETA’s “I Am Not a Nugget” lunch bag, leave a comment telling us how you did on the game, and a winner will be chosen at random. (Your score on the game will not affect your chances of winning.)
Good luck!
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