Will Motorists See Red Over McCruelty Billboards?

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read

Our McCruelty campaign has been raging on for about a month now, with no word from McDonald’s about improving welfare standards for the animals killed for its restaurants. But since when has a little resistance stopped us? That said, we think it’s the perfect time to kick the campaign up a notch, don’t you agree?

Our latest efforts have us thinking big—as in billboard big. Check it out:


McCruelty Billboard


We plan to place the eye-opening billboard in select cities across the country. We’re certain it will have motorists seeing red once they learn that the biggest seller of chicken meat in the country refuses to compel its suppliers to switch to a better slaughter method.

Contrary to what Ronald would like consumers to believe, it’s not all Happy Meals and hamburger patches under the golden arches. Far from it.

Please take action now by urging McDonald’s to support only suppliers that use controlled-atmosphere killing.

I know if I were a parent, I certainly wouldn’t allow my child to visit the home of a scary giant-shoe–wearing clown with blood on his hands. But that’s just me.

Written by Jennifer Cierlitsky

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