What’s In and Out for 2009
Wow, it’s been a wacky year. We’ve witnessed Barack Obama make history, cheered on the home team during the Summer Olympics, watched the economy take more surprise turns than a paternity test on Maury, and—oh yeah—achieved loads of important victories for animals. But I digress. Before we “Auld Lang Syne” our way out of 2008, let’s stop and take a look-see at the trends we can expect in the coming year. And now (drum roll please), I give you PETA’s list of what’s in and what’s out for 2009:
In | Out |
A mutt in the White House | A purebred in any house |
Tightening your belt | Leather belts |
Skinny Bitch in the Kitch | Fat carnivore on the couch |
Michael Phelps | Michael Vick |
Eva Mendes | Eva Longoria |
Tofurky | Lame duck |
Thrift stores | Michael Kors |
Whale Wars | Deadliest Catch |
Icanhascheezburger.com | Bacon cheeseburgers |
Wii fishing | Fly fishing |
Mock croc clutches | Python pumps |
Obama sisters | Olsen twins |
Eating green | Eating mean |
Animal prints | Animal skins |
Roller derby | Kentucky Derby |
Carrie Underwood | Jessica Simpson |
Donkeys in Congress | Elephants in circuses |
Perez Hilton | Paris Hilton |
“Dill, baby, dill” | “Drill, baby, drill” |
Soy lattes | MooLattés |
Wolf Blitzer | Blitzing wolves |
Sea kittens | Chicken of the Sea |
Hummus | Hummers |
Inauguration fever | Inauguration beaver |
Wasabi mashed potatoes | Spam musubi |
Proposition 2 | Proposition 8 |
Ecorazzi | Paparazzi |
Yes we can | No we can’t |
Written by Amy Elizabeth