What’s In and Out for 2009

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read

Wow, it’s been a wacky year. We’ve witnessed Barack Obama make history, cheered on the home team during the Summer Olympics, watched the economy take more surprise turns than a paternity test on Maury, and—oh yeah—achieved loads of important victories for animals. But I digress. Before we “Auld Lang Syne” our way out of 2008, let’s stop and take a look-see at the trends we can expect in the coming year. And now (drum roll please), I give you PETA’s list of what’s in and what’s out for 2009:


In Out
A mutt in the White House A purebred in any house
Tightening your belt Leather belts
Skinny Bitch in the Kitch Fat carnivore on the couch
Michael Phelps Michael Vick
Eva Mendes Eva Longoria
Tofurky Lame duck
Thrift stores Michael Kors
Whale Wars Deadliest Catch
Icanhascheezburger.com Bacon cheeseburgers
Wii fishing Fly fishing
Mock croc clutches Python pumps
Obama sisters Olsen twins
Eating green Eating mean
Animal prints Animal skins
Roller derby Kentucky Derby
Carrie Underwood Jessica Simpson
Donkeys in Congress Elephants in circuses
Perez Hilton Paris Hilton
“Dill, baby, dill” “Drill, baby, drill”
Soy lattes MooLattés
Wolf Blitzer Blitzing wolves
Sea kittens Chicken of the Sea
Hummus Hummers
Inauguration fever Inauguration beaver
Wasabi mashed potatoes Spam musubi
Proposition 2 Proposition 8
Ecorazzi Paparazzi
Yes we can No we can’t


Written by Amy Elizabeth

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