Spacey Sealskin Slipper Story Is Spurious

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read

We were flooded with phone calls and e-mails from ticked-off folks after Land and Sea, a TV show on Canada’s CBC network, aired an episode about the annual Canadian seal massacre. But it wasn’t for the reasons that you might think. People were outraged because the episode featured the manager of a Newfoundland gift shop recalling that Kevin Spacey bought a pair of slippers made of sealskin while filming a movie in the area.


fameball / CC
Kevin Spacey


Kevin Spacey in sealskin?! We’ve always known Spacey to be a kind person, so we asked him to set the record straight about this rumor. Spacey’s rep assured us that the Oscar-winning American Beauty star did not purchase sealskin slippers (or anything else) from that gift shop. So file this one under “false rumor” (or “rumour,” for our Canuck compatriots).

If you’re fed up with the cruelty of the Canadian seal slaughter—and the lies of its apologists—then please take a minute to add your voice to those calling for an end to the massacre. Then spread the word to persuade other folks to do the same.

Written by Jeff Mackey

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