PETA to Rename Montreal Canadiens?

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read


neobeans / CC
baby seal

Canadian hockey hasn’t given anyone much to cheer about since the Montréal Canadiens’ last Stanley Cup victory 16 years ago. But if PETA has its way, Canadiens fans will get another chance to be victorious on the ice—the ice floes, that is.

The owner of the Montréal Canadiens is considering selling the team, and guess who’s throwing an offer on the table? In our letter to team owner George Gillett, we’re offering to pay $10,000 Canadian to rent the team for a week, during which time we’d change its name to the Canadian Seal Pups and encourage every spectator to sign and mail our postcards to Prime Minister Stephen Harper urging him to end the seal slaughter.

Give the seal pups some hockey sticks, and then let’s talk about blood on the ice.

Written by Shawna Flavell

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