PETA Files Exclusive: The Pretenders’ Summer Tour Dates

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read

You know what I like best about the summer—besides grilling veggie dogs until they turn black?

Summer concerts!

I’m especially excited this year because The Pretenders are going on tour and PETA has first dibs on their upcoming tour dates.

To find out where you’ll have a chance to see PETA pal Chrissie Hynde live and in-person this summer, keep reading—but first:


Check out the awesome, one-of-a-kind PETA T-shirt that Chrissie designed for her summer tour wardrobe.
Chrissie Hynde


Here’s that sneak peek at a few of The Pretenders’ summer dates. Enjoy! And, hey, maybe I’ll see you in Central Park this August.

8/10, New York, New York
8/14, Washington, D.C.
8/18, Chicago, Illinois
8/22, Denver, Colorado
8/26, Vancouver, British Columbia
9/3, Los Angeles, California

Written by Amanda Schinke

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