What They Won’t Tell You About Chicken—but We Will

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read

You won’t find this message on any meat package: “1 out of 3 Chickens Are Still Conscious at the Moment of Slaughter.” So PETA is launching a new educational campaign starting in California, a state that slaughters 250 million chickens every year. We’re exposing that the baths of electrified water that chickens are dragged through, which are intended to induce seizures and render chickens insensible to pain, fail to stun the birds 33 percent of the time—meaning that they’re still able to feel pain as their throats are slit.

We just placed this billboard in the heart of Sacramento:

One in Three Chickens Are Still Conscious at the Moment of Slaughter billboard

Every year, an estimated 83 million Californian chickens are still conscious when their throats are slit, and an estimated 7 million are still alive as they’re thrown into scalding tanks, where they drown or are scalded to death.

Sadly, an industry that kills for profit will always find corners to cut at the expense of living beings. PETA plans to place similar billboards across California to ask people to choose healthy, humane soy chicken—which never faces a terrifying end at the slaughterhouse.

You won't find this message on any meat package: "1 out of 3 Chickens Are Still Conscious at the Moment of Slaughter." So PETA is launching a new educational campaign starting in California, a state that slaughters 250 million chickens every year. We're exposing that the baths of electrified water that chickens are dragged through, which are intended to induce seizures and render chickens insensible to pain, fail to stun the birds 33 percent of the time—meaning that they're still able to feel pain as their throats are slit. We just placed this billboard in the heart of Sacramento: [billboard] Every year, an estimated 83 million Californian chickens are still conscious when their throats are slit, and an estimated 7 million are still alive as they're thrown into scalding tanks, where they drown or are scalded to death. PETA plans to place similar billboards across California to ask people to choose healthy, humane soy chicken—which never faces a terrifying end at the slaughterhouse.

You'll Be Stunned When You Hear How This Chicken Died billboard

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