Olympic Seal Skin Uniforms? No Way!

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read
neobeans / CC
baby seal

The Canadian Parliament, in a mad scramble to respond to the very recent European Union ban on seal products, put forth a motion on Wednesday that the 500 members of the Canadian Olympic team wear seal skins as part of their official uniforms. Um … gross! Luckily, sanity prevailed, and the head of the Canadian Olympic Committee, Chris Rudge, quickly shot down the idea.

People all over the world are calling for an end to the seal slaughter. This includes countless Canadians, like Senator Mac Harb, who had previously written to all members of the European Parliament asking them to vote against the Canadian seal hunting industry, calling supporters of the seal slaughter “barbaric.”

While we are tickled that the Olympic Committee gave the inexplicably bloodthirsty Canadian MPs the smack down they so richly deserved, we felt the need to warn the committee that we are going to continue to do everything we can to call attention to the seal slaughter in the months leading up to the Vancouver Olympics. Check out our letter here.

Written by Karin Bennett

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