Motorcycles, Country Music, and Vegan Jerky

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read

Motorcycle engines roaring, 2,000 bikers gathered to show off their rides, listen to country music … and chow down on some vegan “beef” jerky at the annual Love Ride in California on Sunday. PETA’s two sexy Lettuce Ladies could barely keep up with the demand as they handed out pieces of Primal Strips jerky and PETA’s vegetarian/vegan starter kits.

In addition to coming back for second helpings of delicious vegan jerky, Love Ride attendees were hungry for information about improving their own health and preventing cruelty to animals by adopting a plant-based diet. Don’t be left in the dust: Check out our free guide to adopting a vegan diet today!


Written by Heather Faraid Drennan

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