No More Monkey (or Cat) Business!

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read

Quick, what happens when you throw a stone in a pond of water? That’s right, ripples form. Don’t worry, we’re not revisiting Physics 101, but that metaphor describes how phenomenal it is to see our actions generate positive consequences.

Check out this stone-skipping scenario: Last fall, an Israeli group videotaped hideously cruel experiments on monkeys and cats that were taking place at the Weizmann Institute in Rehovot, Israel, in which the animals were kept hungry and thirsty so that they would “work” in exchange for a few drops of water. Vivisectors drilled holes in the animals’ skulls, inserted electrodes in their brains, and then strapped animals into restraint chairs, where they were kept entirely immobile for hours at a time while data were recorded. These experiments have been going on for more than 20 years, and get this: Our tax dollars—right here in the United States—have been paying for them, courtesy of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH).

When PETA received the video footage, we sprang into action, writing to the NIH, identifying influential friends who could nudge the Weizmann Institute, and setting up a petition so that concerned people everywhere could tell the Weizmann Institute what they thought.

And now, thanks to the massive outpouring of concern, Israeli academics opposed to cruelty to animals have started organizing and speaking out. Operating under the banner “Academics for the Protection of Animals in Labs,” three hundred professors at Israeli universities have signed a petition calling for greater accountability and transparency for animal experimentation. In the words of one organizer, “What I am proposing is that there should be more transparency and supervision, and yes, also fewer experiments ….”

They’re not monkeying around, and those are some serious stones!

Posted by Grace Friedan

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