Michael Phelps’ Bong Photo Sparks PETA Billboard
The buzz surrounding the photos of Michael Phelps paying more attention to the bong water than to the pool water makes this an appropriate time to run our own pot billboard, don’t you think?
Michael recently admitted that he was, in fact, smoking reefer and apologized—but doesn’t everyone know that the hazards of ingesting pot roast are perhaps even more worrying?
So here’s our little contribution to liven up the debate:

No one knows if marijuana is addictive (although some people swear it is), but eating meat sure seems to be. Witness all the grownups who can’t even contemplate “giving up meat” even when they are fat, impotent, and at risk for a heart attack. And these are the same people who say that they love animals but go right on causing them immense suffering.
Maybe Michael will see our billboard and abandon the pot roast too—or at least speak up for those other cute swimmers … the sea kittens! I can see it now …
Written by Christine Doré