I Love My, Ummm, FusionDog?

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read

Hopefully everyone has checked out our new Animal Birth Control campaign by now, but if not, give it a peek. To promote it, we’re going to make some new stickers with the slogan “I love my [insert incredibly cute word to replace ‘mutt’ here].” We’ve all seen countless “I love my Golden Retriever” stickers, right? Well, that’s the idea, but instead of promoting a specific breed of dog, we’ll be promoting the best kind of dog in the world, the [insert incredibly cute word to replace ‘mutt’ here]!

One of the best things about working at PETA is that I get to share ideas with some of the most creative people I’ve ever met—the same people who came up with the iconic I’d Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fur campaign, and countless other initiatives that have fundamentally changed the way people view animal rights issues. But sometimes, just occasionally, when you get those people in a room together, they just can’t exactly nail it, and they have to ask for help. Well this is one of those times, so please help us.

Here’s our list of finalists. Please tell us which one you like best, and please add your own ideas to the mix. Have fun!

All-American Original
Custom Blend Canine
57 Special
Diamond in the Woof


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