Lettuce Ladies Turn Over a New Leaf
PETA’s Lettuce Ladies are on the road again! And this time they’re kicking America’s poor eating habits to the compost heap.
The lettuce-clad ladies are hittin’ the streets to greet folks with delicious and free Tofurky sandwiches. Their goal: to get people to turn over a new leaf and go vegetarian for the new year. Check out these photos from the road:
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The Lettuce Ladies don’t have to be the only sexy veggies roaming the streets. If you make PETA’s 30-Day “Pledge to Be Veg” before the end of the month, we will donate money to a program that plants fruit trees! Now, you can help yourself, the environment, animals, and the hungry just by making one simple change to your diet. That’s a pretty sweet deal.
Written by Jennifer Cierlitsky