Help Us Name This Rescued Gander and Win a PETA Prize Pack

Published by Michelle Reynolds.
3 min read

Update: The rescued gander has been named Zeus the Goose. Congratulations to the winner of the prize pack and thank you to everyone who voted.

The following was originally published on November 29, 2017:

Do you like winning? Of course, we all do, especially when we’re winning victories for animals. So if you can help PETA to choose a great name for this charming rescued gander, who will help us to win in our campaign against Canada Goose, you’ll receive a winter-weather prize pack!

gander rescued by LION

A PETA staff member and his local animal-advocacy group in New York, Long Island Orchestrating for Nature (LION), discovered this little domestic gander at a city pond and knew that he had likely been abandoned there.

He was still in good health, though extremely hungry, and too trusting of people. LION rescuers surmised that they had found him not long after he had been dumped. Fortunately, they came across him before anyone with ill intentions did.

gander rescued by LION

It was a lucky break for the gander, because domesticated varieties of geese, ducks, chickens, and rabbits can’t survive on their own in nature. If abandoned and left to fend for themselves, they often starve, freeze to death, or are killed by predators. Most domestic ducks and geese can’t even fly and none migrate. They shouldn’t be deserted in the wild any more than a dog or cat should be.

But this handsome gander will now live as all domestic geese deserve to live: cared for and in safety and good health at The Farm Animal Sanctuary at Animal Nation in South Salem, New York.

gander rescued by LION

Coincidentally, the same week that he was rescued, PETA released our eyewitness investigation that showed that geese were suffocated and crushed at a Canada Goose down supplier and then sent to be slaughtered for their feathers and flesh.

Our exposé revealed sad lives and horrific deaths that no bird should ever experience. So this rescued gander became the symbol of what PETA aims to accomplish in our campaign against Canada Goose.

Now all he needs is a fitting name. We’ve narrowed it down to two tough monikers perfect for a bird on a mission: “Xander the Gander” or “Zeus the Goose.” Vote for your favorite on PETA’s Facebook page, and leave us a comment letting us know that you voted. We will choose one winner at random, who will receive a winter-weather prize pack that includes our Fur Is Dead Long-Sleeve T-Shirt, Animal Beanie, and Animal Liberation Scarf.

And of course, we’ll all celebrate when Canada Goose stops killing sensitive geese and beautiful coyotes for its cruel, ugly coats.

Vote for your favorite name here, and tell Canada Goose to get out of the cruelty business.


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