How to Defuse a Cat Explosion

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read
rsgranne/CC by 2.0


A population explosion, that is. Belgium is planning to tackle its feline overpopulation problem head-on by requiring most of the country’s cats to be spayed or neutered by 2016. If funded, it will be one of the most advanced sterilization laws in the world!

While most other countries have yet to fully step up for homeless animals, folks have been successful in getting strong spay-and-neuter legislation passed in many communities. PETA has recently contacted council members in Baltimore, Maryland, asking them to enact their own mandatory spay-and-neuter legislation. If you live in the Baltimore area, please politely write to your council member and ask him or her to propose such a law.

And to find out how you can help in other areas, check this out.

Written by Jeff Mackey

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