Canada’s Carnage Continues

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read
Resolute / CC by 3.0

Update: Six horses died during this year’s Calgary Stampede. Please take action and ask the Stampede sponsors to disassociate themselves from the event.

As if Canada’s annual seal massacre isn’t enough, the Calgary Stampede adds to the country’s annual death toll. This year it’s rodeo business as usual—five horses have already died and the event doesn’t end until Sunday.

A fifth horse died yesterday 40 minutes after being forced to participate in the chuckwagon races. These are the Stampede’s deadliest events, in which teams of four horses pull old-fashioned “pioneer” wagons around a track at breakneck speed—and often break their bodies as a result. In previous years, we’ve written to all the sponsors of these endurance races asking them to pull the plug, and we’ve called upon the chief crown prosecutor to file cruelty-to-animals charges. The Humane Society of Canada has also called for a boycott of the event. So far, except for the death rattle of the horses and the yahooing of the crowd, silence!

Please get everyone you know to tell those who are still sponsoring the Calgary Stampede that the chuckwagon races must be canceled permanently.

Written by Jennifer O’Connor

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