Los Angeles: Speak Up for Dogs and Cats Suffering in Severely Crowded Shelters!

On Friday, the Los Angeles City Council will decide whether to place an immediate and indefinite moratorium on the issuance of new breeding permits in response to the severe crowding crisis in the city’s animal shelters. As long as unwanted animals are dying on the streets and flooding already severely crowded shelters, the only humane way to prevent animal homelessness is to have our animal companions spayed or neutered and to stop breeders from bringing more animals into the world. Please join PETA in urging Los Angeles to adopt a moratorium on breeding by taking these two easy steps!

Step 1:        Contact the city council to voice your support for the breeding moratorium. Please submit polite public comments to the city clerk via the portal here and enter Council File Number 23-1008 in the requested field.

Step 2:        Attend the city council meeting on Friday to express your support for the breeding moratorium and speak up for animals suffering in the city’s severely crowded shelters.

When:        Friday, October 20, 10 a.m.

Where:       John Ferraro Council Chamber, Room 340, City Hall, 200 N. Spring St., Los Angeles, CA 90012 (If you’d prefer to participate by phone, call 1-669-254-5252 at 10 a.m., enter meeting ID 160 535 8466, and press #. Press # again when prompted, and when called on to speak, press *9. Please let us know if you plan to attend and speak so we can coordinate with you and provide you with additional materials.)

Contact:     Jakob Shaw at [email protected]

Note: Instructions for public comments will be given at the start of the meeting. Each speaker will be granted a maximum of one minute.

Here are some talking points (and if you’re pressed for time, you can just use one):

  • City shelters are in crisis, so the city needs to take emergency action now to prevent more animals from suffering on the streets and in severely crowded shelters. There is no excuse for bringing more animals into the world when so many neglected and unwanted animals are suffering, never having experienced the comfort and safety of a loving home. A moratorium on new breeding permits would protect countless animals and ease the burden on already severely crowded shelters.
  • I strongly support a moratorium on issuing new breeding licenses in Los Angeles. Our city owes it to suffering animals to do everything it can to reduce animal homelessness and the need for euthanasia by spaying and neutering animals and stopping all new breeding.
  • Animals in shelters will continue to suffer and die as long as we allow breeders to bring more animals into the world. Every time a new litter is born, the odds of finding loving homes for adoptable dogs and cats living in severely crowded shelters become even steeper.
  • Placing a moratorium on new breeding permits is a commonsense animal protection measure that would reduce the number of unwanted cats and dogs in our city’s shelters, waiting for loving homes that never present themselves.
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