Urge Property Management Company to Free Trapped Squirrels!

A family of squirrels was reportedly trapped inside the soffit of a vacant rental property located on Seventh Avenue S. in St. Cloud, Minnesota, after the hole through which they had entered was boarded over. The below photo supports claims that the animals were using this space as their home prior to the installation of the boards.

The video below, reportedly recorded at the property recently, shows a squirrel frantically trying to chew her way in—behavior commonly seen when mother squirrels are separated from their babies. According to reports, after building management was informed that the animals were trapped, an additional layer of wire mesh was installed over the boards covering the hole, essentially ensuring that the animals would have no way to escape.

PETA attempted to share our concerns with the property owner and property management, but our repeated pleas to spare the animals a horrific death have been ignored. Now that the story has received media attention, management reportedly claims that squirrels were never trapped. However, a witness report alleges that frantic scratching could be heard emanating from the soffit for several days after the “repairs” were made.

Please contact Apex Property Management LLC and Ralphie’s Real Estate Company LLC and ask for their assurances that only humane wildlife exclusion methods and deterrents will be employed in the future.

Please call, text, and send e-mails to the following:

  • Richard Thienes Landlord Apex Properties LLC [email protected] 320-980-1661
  • Gregory Steadman Property Manager Ralphie’s Real Estate Company LLC [email protected] 320-980-5713
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