Victory: Pasadena City Council Says NO to Killing Coyotes!

Update (July 18, 2023): On July 17, the Pasadena City Council voted unanimously to adopt a humane, nonlethal coyote management plan and to avoid cruel, ineffective, and expensive lethal methods. The approved plan will use methods including increased public outreach and education, removal of coyote attractants, compliance with laws prohibiting wildlife feeding, improved local coyote reporting systems, and bringing in a panel of coyote experts to improve understanding of effective approaches. Thanks to everyone who e-mailed and spoke in behalf of coyotes!

Original post:

On July 17, the Pasadena City Council will decide whether to change its coyote-management plan to include cruel, ineffective, and expensive lethal methods.

A few people who own homes near the Arroyo have been complaining to their council member, Steve Madison, that they see an increase in coyotes and demanding that the city study Torrance’s lethal approach to coyote management, which has involved snaring and gassing coyotes since 2019. Available data show that coyote sightings have risen sharply in Torrance despite an expanded trapping program that’s costing taxpayers $80,000 annually. Lethal control simply doesn’t work. What does work is removing attractants and implementing a strong public education program.

Using lethal methods stands in stark contrast to Pasadena’s history of coexisting respectfully with wildlife. Setting snares in and around the Arroyo will endanger not only the intended coyotes but also companion dogs (who often run off-leash on the trail) and other wildlife. Will you please join us in speaking up for coyotes, who are just trying to survive and raise their families in peace? Any coyotes who are killed will likely be snared, hoisted into the back of the trapper’s truck, and gassed.

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