Truly Oddball Tofu-Themed Gifts and Other Quirky Holiday Presents From PETA!

For Immediate Release:
November 16, 2020

Megan Wiltsie 202-483-7382

Norfolk, Va.

From a wet dog–scented candle to a calendar showing the adventures of a block of tofu as it travels the world from Stonehenge to the Taj Mahal, your readers may get a kick out of some of the unique gifts that are available this year at PETA’s online marketplaces.

Tofu deserves the spotlight for its versatility in the kitchen—and for never causing a pandemic—so the PETA Shop is offering a new line of gifts in its honor, including a pure white T-shirt (get it?), a candle and an air freshener that look and smell like tofu (unscented, naturally), and jewelry in the shape of blocks of, yes, bean curd.

“This year, PETA is paying homage to tofu for its ability to be used in everything from sandwiches to soufflés—and, most importantly, for giving animals a break,” says PETA Vice President Colleen O’Brien. “We hope these tokens of tofu affection bring everyone a little comfort and joy and a smile to many faces.”

PETA’s other whimsical gifts include the “Wet Dog” candle—because dog guardians know that even when our best friends come in from the rain or a swim in the river and shake all over us, any day spent with a dog is a good one—and the Vegan Pumpkin Pie” candle, which has a recipe for the holiday dessert on the back of the box.

These clever gifts, available from the PETA Shop, will add a little levity to what’s sure to be a strange holiday season.

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