‘Win It’ Wednesday: Vegan Guitar Strap

Thanks for all of your wonderful comments on this Win It Wednesday. The winner of the guitar strap is Kristen. Congratulations! You’ve got the hair. You’ve got the eyeliner. You’ve got the guitar. But wait, what’s the one thing every real rock star needs? A cruelty-free guitar strap, of course. For this week’s “Win It” … Read more »

ONPRC Kills (More) Monkeys

current.com / CC Back in March, we told you about the USDA’s investigation at Oregon National Primate Research Center (ONPRC). The investigation came about as a result of a PETA complaint exposing that a monkey had been operated on by mistake; that a sick, pregnant monkey had been denied veterinary care; and that other abuses … Read more »

Internet Soup!

It’s a hazy day here on the Right Coast. As I watch leaves fall and steam rise from my soy mocha, the mood is set for a lazy (yet highly skilled) meander through gossip rags for fun stuff. Here are my faves: Warning! Seals can literally cute you to death. Kiddies catch E. coli from … Read more »

Victory! 4.5 Million Animals to Be Spared From Toxicity Tests

bioweb.uwlax.edu / CC The agency that oversees the largest animal testing program of all time has just announced new guidelines that mean that the number of animals who could fall victim to toxicity testing during the course of the program has dropped—by 4.5 million! This news from the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) comes in response … Read more »

Robo-Penguins Ready to Take Over Zoos

Warning: Spoiler Alert! If you don’t want to have your suspension of disbelief, er, suspended, please do not read any further. The penguins in Madagascar and Happy Feet are not real! OK, so you knew that already, but you still love them anyway, right? Our point exactly. That’s why we’re asking the Rosamond Gifford Zoo … Read more »

The Top 5 iPhone Apps for Animals

The following is a guest post from peta2’s Lara. The iPhone has paved the way for smart phones, making information, communication and entertainment available at your fingertips. But did you know that the iPhone can also help animals? Check out the best iPhone apps for animals below: BNB (Be Nice to Bunnies) ($1.99): This app … Read more »

Nepal Halts Monkey Breeding

thepatrioticgentleman / CC According to news reports out of Nepal, that country’s forest minister, Dipak Bohara, has “imposed a ban on monkey breeding for export to the United States for biomedical research.” This could be an important first step toward ending the grotesque breeding-and-export trade in monkeys once and for all. The next step is … Read more »

Whistleblower Helps PETA Get USDA Citations Issued

hedweb / CC Problem: You’re head of an engineering firm hired to simulate and analyze a customer’s fall in a Dollar General store in order to provide testimony in a lawsuit. Solution(?): Get some goon to shoot a sensitive, intelligent pig in the head and then drop the pig’s body repeatedly onto a concrete floor. … Read more »

PETA Europe Gets Out the ‘Man Boobs’

The following is a guest post from PETA Europe’s Matt Goldsmith. Always an organization to keep abreast of scientific studies, PETA Europe was particularly interested to learn that Glasgow, the city with the second-highest obesity rate of all the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries, has seen an 80 percent rise in gynecomastia (aka … Read more »

Jamie Oliver Says One Thing, Does Another

babychums / CC While some chefs have a change of heart after they witness the cruelty of meat production, the “Naked Chef,” Jamie Oliver isn’t one of them. According to his spokesperson, Oliver is supposedly “well-known for his championing of better welfare for animals and has had awards from many animal welfare groups.” No wonder … Read more »

Sporting Goods Retailer Scores Touchdown With Caring Fans

compliance-helpline / CC At least one corporation that stood to profit from Michael Vick’s NFL reinstatement has decided to put morals before money. While the NFL rushed to reinstate Michael Vick the second his ankle bracelet hit the floor, sporting goods giant Dick’s has made it clear that it cares more about animals then it … Read more »

William Shatner Urges Release of Ailing Elephant

answers / CC What has actor, singer, and author William Shatner (Canada’s triple threat) been up to since nabbing the Emmy for Boston Legal? The “Priceline Negotiator” recently made a plea for the release of the Edmonton Zoo’s lonely, ailing elephant, Lucy. In a letter to Edmonton Mayor Stephen Mandel, Mr. Shatner wrote, “I humbly … Read more »

Award-Winning French Chef Denounces Foie Gras

mca-agency / CC Not too long ago, Trish Deseine was pushing for people to embrace the taste of foie gras served with dried fruit. (Did anyone else just throw up a little?) But after taking the time to visit a foie gras farm, this chef changed her tune. “You see ducks who have lived outside … Read more »

Every Little Blog Helps

You don’t have to blog for PETA in order for your posts to help us help animals. Users of Blogger and WordPress can now earn donations for their favorite charity (hint, hint) without actually spending any money. That’s because Blogger and WordPress have teamed up with SocialVibe—a social-networking site with a cause—to help people educate … Read more »

Win an iPod by Helping Stop Deadly Training Exercises on Animals

The U.S. military has declared war on animals by burning, stabbing, and shooting them in unnecessary training exercises, and it’s time to fight back! Animals need you to enlist in the army of animal lovers willing to speak out against these cruel exercises. If you go above and beyond the call of duty for this … Read more »

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