Is It a UMass Lab or the Death Star? Chewie’s Story, From the Dark Side of Campus

Caged, cut open, and subjected to cruel experiments. This was life for a tiny marmoset imprisoned in a University of Massachusetts–Amherst lab.

Imprisoned, Impregnated, and Impaired: Alissa’s ‘Life’ of Misery in Med School Lab

Alissa was repeatedly bred for 18 years, and her babies were taken to be used in experiments. Then, Eastern Virginia Medical School used her in invasive pregnancy experiments, and she died.

Baby Monkeys Need Their Mothers—Experimenters Punish Them for It  

The babies of other primates need their mothers, just as humans do. But experimenters separate them from their mothers in numerous cruel and pointless tests

© Photo: Ignacio Yufera
UMass Experimenters or Stormtroopers? Yoda the Marmoset’s Life and Death in a Lab 

Behind the cage bars of a University of Massachusetts–Amherst laboratory, a monkey named Yoda struggled with the dark side of science.

Lab Horrors at Johns Hopkins: NIH Flubs Investigation; PETA Urges Action

Heard about the horrific history of animal testing in Johns Hopkins labs? PETA reveals how the university is getting away with murder—and who their accomplice is.

Why Animal Dissection Is So Last Century: Alicia Silverstone and Bear Speak Out

Alicia Silverstone’s message is clear: It’s time to say, “As if!” to animal dissection and embrace a compassionate and effective way to teach biology.

© Photo: Brian Bowen Smith
NIMH Funnels Millions of Tax Dollars Into Archaic Animal ‘Fight Clubs’

Unlike in “Fight Club,” our code of honor demands that we expose what the National Institute of Mental Health does to tiny animals with your money.

Attention, U.S. Navy: Stop Conducting Cruel Decompression Tests on Animals

Did you know the U.S. Navy funds cruel decompression tests on animals? Learn how PETA collaborated with Navy veterans in a move to sink these experiments.

Sacked! Michele Basso Ousted as Head of UW’s Primate Center After Pressure From PETA

Following damning evidence and pressure from PETA, Michele Basso has been sacked as the head of the primate center at the University of Washington.

Hop Into Atiana De La Hoya’s Bunny-Friendly ‘Get Ready With Me’ Video

Atiana De La Hoya champions cruelty-free beauty, highlighting the importance of not supporting animal abuse when buying cosmetics.

Photo: © COUGHS
There’s a Kinder Way Than Animal Dissection—Help Your School Hop to It!

Animals on the dissection tray had thoughts, feelings, and families. Learn how to help your school’s science programs choose a kinder and better way.

Free Birds: The Wonderful Life of Sparrows Outside Laboratories

In nature, house sparrows partner for life, raise families, and forage with friends. In a Louisiana State University laboratory, they’re isolated, experimented on, and killed.

Who’s Who in ‘The Failed Experiment’—Stream the Groundbreaking Docuseries Now FREE on YouTube

Meet the remarkable experts and animal rights advocates taking center stage in PETA’s new groundbreaking docuseries, “The Failed Experiment,” now available for free on YouTube.

Do Mice Get Motion Sickness? Plus Other Pointless Experiments on Animals

Do Froot Loops affect rats’ penis size? Here are more pointless, cruel, and absurd experiments conducted on animals.

Despite Acquittal, Smuggling Trial Offered Glimpse Into Corrupt and Cruel Business of Monkey Importation

A jury has let Masphal Kry walk away from conspiracy and monkey-smuggling charges in a wide-ranging trial that gave a rare look into the corrupt world of monkey importation.

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