The Movie That Celebrities Are Seeing This Weekend? ‘Blackfish’

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read

The box-office buzz this weekend is all about Blackfish. The critically acclaimed “mesmerizing psychological thriller” chronicles the true story of SeaWorld’s frustrated orca Tilikum and the circumstances surrounding the deaths of the three people he has killed since being stolen from his ocean home and family and forced to live in a concrete tank.

PETA is proud to support filmmaker Gabriela Cowperthwaite’s eye-opening documentary and was lucky to grab this exclusive interview with her.

Celebrities have been tweeting their excitement over the opening:

Click here to get Blackfish show times near you

Elsewhere on Twitter, stars were rescuing dogs, wearing pleather, and saving cows from slaughter:

In other celebrity news:

  • When people started wondering if Mariah Carey had gone back on her staunch anti-fur policy after she performed at the MLB All-Star Charity Concert with her dislocated shoulder in a furry sling, the singer was quick to let everyone know that she still proudly rocks only faux fur.
  • Comedian and actor Jeff Garlin is going vegan for the next three months to cut his cholesterol and lower his blood sugar. “I’m just trying to get healthy and be healthy,” he told Good Day New York. “I might stay a vegan.”  
  • PETA pal Kelly Osbourne might be joining the vegan club soon. She just got engaged to her boyfriend, vegan chef Matthew Mosshart
  • Answer: A Jeopardy! host who speaks out against declawing. Question: Who is Alex Trebek? When a recent question on the show was, “What is declawing?” Alex piped up to tell the audience that they “don’t want to do that to a cat.” 
  • And we’ll leave you with your weekly dose of too-freakin’-cute-for-words: When our buddy Bret Lockett posed in a BullyVille T-shirt as part of his anti-bullying campaign, he held a rescued dog front and center to remind people that animals deserve to be treated with kindness as well.

© Michael Letterlough Jr.

Want more Bret? Do I even have to ask? Click here to see him in the buff

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