‘Breaking Bad’ Star Heartbroken Over ‘Blackfish’

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read

Actor Aaron Paul of Breaking Bad fame became the latest celebrity to take to Twitter to praise Blackfish:


In other celebrity news:

Davey Havok PSA

  • TMZ’s Harvey Levin, a vegan, too, had some strong words for a starlet caught wearing fur. “It is pure torture—skinning them alive to put a coat on your back when you could have a different kind of coat. … I don’t want these animals tortured and skinned alive. It’s barbaric.”
  • PETA supporter Lily Tomlin has made us laugh for years, but she knows there’s nothing funny about the strain that captivity places on elephants. She’s campaigning to make the Oregon Zoo retire elderly, ailing elephant Packy to a reputable sanctuary.
  • And of course, we’ve always known that our gal Ke$ha is passionate about animals and travels the world to see them in their natural habitats. But her reaction to seeing an orca in the wild on a trip to Alaska still touched our hearts. On a recent episode of My Crazy Beautiful Life, Ke$ha runs down the pier outside her room and hops onto a boat, shouting, “I was just taking a shower and I saw a whale! Come on! It’s a killer whale!” As her boat slowly glides through the water with orcas just a few feet from it, a rapt Ke$ha watches in wonder and whispers, “I don’t think I’ve ever been this excited in my life.”

Ke$ha Fights Canada's Seal Slaughter

And Ke$ha’s love for her new rescued dog filled up our Twitter feed this week, along with loads of other celebs showing love for animals:


To keep up with what all your favorite stars are doing for animals, follow @PETA on Twitter.

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