New Hampshire Allows Students to Opt Out of Animal Dissection

The NH State Board of Education adopted a dissection-choice policy that allows students to opt out of animal dissection and be provided with humane methods.

Target Vows to Keep Angora Out of 2014 Store-Brand Products!

After extensive talks with PETA, global retailer Target committed to keeping angora out of its 2014 store-brand collection.

Live-Animal Market Ordered to Stop Selling Live Frogs Bound in Netting

After PETA received a report that a market was selling live frogs tied up in individual netted bags, we got local law-enforcement officers to investigate.

California Apartment Complex Ends Avitrol Use

The apartment complex’s owners pulled the Avitrol and agreed not to use any poisons in the future.

Raccoon Torture Bill Defeated!

Georgia House Bill (H.B.) 423 would have allowed the use of live raccoons in field trials, but luckily the bill was defeated.

No Elephant Rides at San Diego Fair

Elephant profiteer Have Trunk Will Travel has thrown in the towel this year: It will not provide elephant rides at the 2014 San Diego County Fair.

Google Removes Cruel RoboRoach Game From App Store

Google removed a game that challenges users to kill digital cockroaches, following PETA input.

Florida Festival Stops Giving Away Hermit Crabs as Prizes!

Florida Festival will no longer give live animals away as prizes!

Universal Studios Theme Parks to Retire Orangutan and Capuchin Acts From Its ‘Animal Actors’ Show

After years of pressure from PETA, NBCUniversal has agreed to drop orangutans and capuchin monkeys from its “Animal Actors” show at Universal Studios.

California School Fundraising Group Cancels Puppy Auction!

California school made the compassionate decision to remove the puppy from the list of auction items after receiving a letter from PETA.

University of Wisconsin–Madison Fined $35,000 for Laboratory Cruelty

The U.S. Department of Agriculture fined the University of Wisconsin–Madison more than $35,000 for violations of the federal Animal Welfare Act.

China Southern Airlines Stops Shipping Monkeys to Laboratories

China Southern Airlines announced to PETA that it has banned all shipments of primates to laboratories.

California Pesticide Agency Restricts Sale of Rodent Poisons

After intense public pressure, the California Department of Pesticide Regulation banned the retail sale of second generation rodent poisons.

University of Houston–Victoria Biology Classes End Animal Dissection

PETA donated virtual dissection computer software to the University of Houston–Victoria to replace animal dissection in biology classes.

Pennsylvania School Ends Cruel Pollution Experiments on Animals

PETA contacted a school that for years has had students put toxins into a tank containing fish and snails. The school agreed to discontinue the experiment.

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