Roundy’s Sets Policy Supporting Polled Breeding

Following a shareholder resolution by PETA and resulting engagement, Roundy’s set a position statement that includes its support for polled (hornless) breeding as a solution to dehorning. The company operates about 160 grocery stores under different brands and does approximately $4 billion in sales.

White Castle Buns Are Now Vegan, Meaning the Veggie Sliders Are, Too

When White Castle first tested vegan burger patties with nonvegan buns and a dairy-based sauce, we contacted the chain and started a great dialog. When the veggie burgers officially launched, the fast-food giant was sure to include a Sweet Thai sauce as a vegan option—and now, after months of testing, it has switched to a … Read more »

University of Georgia Stops Mutilating Dogs and Other Animals

September 30, 2015 Following a PETA complaint and e-mails from thousands of our supporters, the University of Georgia announced that it will no longer conduct surgical training courses in which dozens of healthy beagles and other animals have holes crudely cut into their throats, chests, and limbs.

Seven More Countries End Animal Labs After PETA Donation

September 30, 2015 Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) programs throughout China, Cyprus, Greece, Indonesia, Pakistan, the Philippines, and the United Arab Emirates stopped cutting apart and killing animals in their courses following a PETA donation of 40 state-of-the-art TraumaMan surgical simulators. In 2014, PETA donated 67 TraumaMan models to end animal use in ATLS programs … Read more »

NIH Suspends Federal Contracts With Primate Products Following PETA Exposé

September 30, 2015 Following PETA’s eight-month eyewitness investigation of Primate Products, Inc. (PPI), a company that imports monkeys and sells them to laboratories, federal authorities cited it for more than 27 serious animal-welfare violations related to inadequate veterinary care, neglect, violent handling, unsafe and unsanitary conditions, and monkeys’ physical and psychological suffering. The damning evidence … Read more »

New Zealand Government Lab Ends Cruel Shooting Experiments on Live Pigs

September 16,2015 Following complaints filed by PETA, a brief public campaign, and criticism from international media, the Institute of Environmental Science and Research, the University of Otago, and the University of Auckland announced that they’ll no longer use live pigs for crude forensics experiments in which the animals were repeatedly shot in the head at … Read more »

Harris Teeter Voices Support for Polled Breeding

After PETA engaged with the company on the treatment of cattle in the dairy industry, Harris Teeter updated its Animal Welfare page to include the following: “We discourage dehorning of cattle. … [A]nd we support farmers in developing successful programs for breeding polled, naturally hornless cows.”

Austin, Texas, Is Latest City to Ban Bullhooks

August 1, 2015 The Austin, Texas, City Council has voted 10-1 to ban the use of bullhooks, and the ban will go into effect in October 2016. Bullhooks—heavy batons with a sharp metal hook on the end—are used to beat elephants who are forced to perform in Ringling Bros. circus, among other circuses.

D.C. Mom Prompts Class Action Suit Against Circus for Misleading People

August 1, 2015 Oh behalf of Washington, D.C., resident Melanie Sloan and others, PETA Foundation lawyers have filed a lawsuit in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia against UniverSoul Circus alleging a campaign of deceit aimed at hoodwinking compassionate people into supporting and perpetuating the abuse of animals.

Tuberculosis Fears Stop Elephant Performances in Dallas

August 1, 2015 After PETA sent a letter to Dallas County Health and Human Services, the city of Dallas refused to allow two elephants who might be carrying tuberculosis to perform.

Betty Crocker Touts Vegan Baking Options

Betty Crocker’s old website wasn’t too helpful on the subject of vegan baking, including egg substitutes. We talked with parent company General Mills, and it added a new vegan section to the site, which includes several delicious recipes. In addition, the egg-substitute FAQ page was updated to make it clear that “[t]here are many great … Read more »

America’s Incredible Pizza Adds Vegan Cheese to Its Pizza Buffet

Following talks with PETA, America’s Incredible Pizza Company now offers vegan cheese at all its U.S. locations. That’s right: an all-you-can-eat pizza buffet with vegan options!

Kroger Makes Progress on Sourcing Dairy “Products” From Polled Cows

After talks with PETA, Kroger’s 2015 Sustainability Report described progress on reducing dehorning among its dairy suppliers, saying that “several leading dairy farms that Kroger sources from are integrating a significant portion of polled bulls into their herds.” The report also states that the company “is encouraging this transition as increased acceptance of this practice … Read more »

Cruelty to Endangered Orca Lolita Prompts Lawsuit Against Miami Seaquarium

July 1, 2015 A coalition including PETA, the Animal Legal Defense Fund, Orca Network, and Orca Network Director Howard Garrett hit the Miami Seaquarium with a lawsuit contending that the facility’s imprisonment of Lolita the suffering orca—who’s currently being held without the company of any others of her kind in a cramped tank with no … Read more »

Asheville, North Carolina, Bans Wild-Animal Performances

July 1, 2015 After PETA sent out action alerts and the PETA Foundation sent information to council members, the Asheville, North Carolina, City Council voted unanimously to ban shows with wild or exotic animals from the city.

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