Dove Goes Cruelty-Free

Dove—one of the world’s most widely available personal care–product brands—has banned all tests on animals anywhere in the world and been added to PETA’s Beauty Without Bunnies cruelty-free companies list! In addition, Unilever—which owns the Dove brand—has banned all tests on animals not required by law for the rest of its products and has been … Read more »

USDA Releases Pi Bioscientific Inspection Photos After PETA Appeal

When PETA submitted a Freedom of Information Act request for inspection photos showing dozens of goats horrifically suffering in violation of the law at antibody producer Pi Bioscientific, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) refused to hand them over on the grounds that the facility would be “embarrassed.” That’s not a legal basis for keeping … Read more »

PETA Scientists Present Their Work at Key Scientific Meetings

At a series of important scientific meetings, PETA scientists presented their work to prevent hundreds of birds each year from being fed pesticide-laced food in government-required tests, the results of a project to replace the use of animals in eye-irritation tests, and details of a project to end the use of rats for inhalation testing, … Read more »

PETA Persuades Major Japanese Food Company to Ban Animal Tests

After discussions with PETA, Megmilk Snow Brand Co., Ltd., a major food company based in Japan, agreed to end animal tests used to make dubious health claims about its products. Previously, the company had funded and conducted cruel experiments on mice and rats, including one in which experimenters injected mice with a protein that causes … Read more »

PETA Scientists Co-Organize Workshop on Non-Animal Tests for Fever-Causing Contaminants

Thousands of rabbits and even more horseshoe crabs are used in painful tests each year to test drugs and medical devices for contaminants that cause fever. The PETA International Science Consortium Ltd. worked with government and testing-standards agencies to organize a workshop at which government and industry researchers brainstormed the best way to replace these … Read more »

South Korea Stops Requiring Yearlong Pesticide Test on Dogs

After hearing from PETA scientists, South Korea spared hundreds of dogs by joining Japan, the U.S., the EU, and Canada in dropping its requirement that dogs be subjected to a yearlong pesticide poisoning test.

PETA Persuades Fuji Oil Holdings to Ban Animal Tests

After discussions with PETA, Fuji Oil Holdings Inc.—a leading producer of oils, fats, confectionery ingredients, and soy—confirmed that it will no longer fund, conduct, or commission tests on animals in order to make health claims about its products. In experiments previously funded and conducted by the company, rats and mice were starved, force-fed, and injected … Read more »

PETA Persuades Global Meat Company and Sugar Producer to Ban Animal Tests

After discussions with PETA, global meat manufacturer NH Foods and international sugar company Ensuiko Sugar Refining Co., Ltd., both agreed to stop conducting and funding animal experiments used to make dubious health claims about their products. Both companies had previously conducted experiments in which mice were fed ingredients, their was blood taken, and then they … Read more »

New Law Includes PETA-Endorsed Provision Prioritizing Non-Animal Methods in Military Trauma Training

President Donald Trump signed the bipartisan John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act, which includes a game-changing, first-of-its-kind restriction that requires the Department of Defense to use medical-simulation technology in trauma-skills training “to the maximum extent practicable” before resorting to harming animals in the deadly drills. This new provision will force the Pentagon to focus … Read more »

Five Global Food and Beverage Companies Have Ended Their Tests on Animals

After discussions with PETA, global food and beverage giants Asahi Group Holdings (known for its Asahi Super Dry and Peroni beers), Sapporo Holdings (the oldest beer brand in Japan and maker of the best-selling Asian beer in the U.S.), Meiji Holdings (the world’s fourth-largest candy company), Ezaki Glico (a leading confectionary company), and Kewpie Corporation … Read more »

PETA Scientists Train Taiwanese Regulators

PETA scientists organized a webinar to train Taiwanese regulators on using animal-free methods to test for skin irritation instead of smearing toxic chemicals onto animals’ skin. More than 160 government scientists attended the free webinar, and other Taiwanese organizations have expressed interest in attending future webinars to receive even more training on non-animal testing methods.

Four Food and Beverage Companies End Animal Tests

Within a few days of each other, four major food and beverage companies agreed to end their cruel and pointless experiments on animals after conversations with PETA. Tokyo-based Toyo Suisan Kaisha, Ltd.—the corporate owner of Maruchan, the largest North American producer of instant ramen noodles—was the first to do so. It was followed by international … Read more »

PETA Scientists Demonstrate How to Replace Animals in Testing

The PETA International Science Consortium Ltd. recently presented its work to replace the use of animals in inhalation testing at an important international toxicology conference. Together with biotech company Epithelix, the Consortium also announced the launch of an award to provide researchers with human cell–based lung tissues to replace animals who are forced to breathe … Read more »

AirBridgeCargo Ends Shipments of Monkeys to Laboratories

Update: November 9, 2020 AirBridgeCargo Airlines is reportedly transporting monkeys for experimentation again, in apparent violation of the ban that it adopted after hearing from thousands of concerned PETA supporters. AirBridgeCargo Airlines has enacted a policy, effective immediately, that bans the transportation of monkeys to laboratories anywhere in the world. This new policy follows a … Read more »

Brazil Bans Use of Animals in Cruel Classroom Experiments

Thanks to efforts by PETA—including input provided to the Brazilian government’s National Council for Control of Animal Experimentation—and key local initiatives by leading biologist Dr. Róber Bachinski and the Brazilian Network for Humane Education, the Brazilian government has announced that by April 17, 2019, it will end the use of animals in cruel observational and … Read more »

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