Will Pile of ‘Dead Fish’ in San Antonio Inspire Vegan Lent? PETA Latino Thinks So!

For Immediate Release:
February 22, 2023

Alicia Aguayo 202-483-7382

San Antonio

Trapped inside a net on Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, PETA Latino supporters dressed as fish will lead an aquatic “die-in” in Alamo Plaza, just a five-minute walk from the historic St. Joseph Parish and within a few blocks of three more Catholic churches, in a push for everyone to leave fish and other animals off their plates during this period of reflection—and forever. Joined by PETA LAMBS (“Least Among My Brothers and Sisters” from Matthew 25:40), the plea for locals to recognize fish as sentient beings, not filets, addresses the Christian tradition of eating fish on Fridays while abstaining from the flesh of other animals.

When:    Wednesday, February 22, 12 noon

Where:    Alamo Plaza (at the intersection with E. Crockett Street), San Antonio

“Whether they were born on land or in the sea, no animal wants to be carved up for dinner,” says PETA Latino Manager Gabriel Ochoa. “This Lent and beyond, PETA Latino urges everyone to keep all of God’s creatures off their plates, including those who swim.”

PETA Latino—whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to eat” and which opposes speciesism, a human-supremacist worldview—notes that many vegan fish options are available today, such as Gardein’s Golden f’sh filets, Sophie’s Kitchen’s Fish Fillets, and Good Catch Plant-Based Crab Cakes. For more information, please visit PETALatino.com or follow the group on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.

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