PETA Celebrates National Aquarium’s Move Away From Captive Dolphins

PETA has released the following statement regarding the National Aquarium’s announcement this week that it is considering phasing out its dolphin exhibit and moving the dolphins currently held captive there to a seaside sanctuary.

PETA Foundation Deputy General Counsel for Captive Animal Law Enforcement Delcianna Winders says:

The National Aquarium made the right call in ending its dolphin shows two years ago, and by moving the dolphins from the amphitheater to a seaside sanctuary, the aquarium has demonstrated that it is in tune with our evolving knowledge of the needs of marine life while shaming marine parks such as SeaWorld, which profit at the expense of dolphin and orca lives. Far-ranging marine mammals suffer immensely in tiny tanks of chemically treated, feces- and urine-polluted water, and businesses that refuse to adapt now will soon see their attendance figures plummeting.

More information about PETA’s campaign against keeping marine mammals in captivity is available on PETA’s website.


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