Quiznos Helps Animals!

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read
claytonguiltner / CC

I travel a lot for work, and between going to meetings, catching flights, and trying to get to hotels at a reasonable hour, I’m always on the lookout for a quick bite to eat. Quiznos has saved me many a time with its delicious toasted veggie sandwiches—but I’ve been troubled by its animal welfare record.

Well, Quiznos has just taken its first major step. We’ve been working quietly with the company for about a year, talking about the importance of animal welfare reforms to improve the lives and deaths of the animals killed for its products. Now, Quiznos has officially moved forward. It will do the following:

  • Begin phasing in the purchase of eggs from suppliers that don’t cage their hens, starting with 5 percent by next year
  • Begin phasing in the purchase of pig meat from suppliers that don’t confine pregnant sows to barren, metal “gestation crates” (causing extreme physical and psychological trauma), starting with 15 percent by 2012
  • Begin phasing in the purchase of turkeys killed using a less cruel slaughter method called “controlled atmosphere killing” (CAK), starting with 5 percent by the end of 2009
  • Give purchasing preference to suppliers using these less cruel production methods, including chicken suppliers that switch to CAK

Quiznos has also removed the eggs entirely from three of its four cookies. (Unfortunately, they still aren’t vegan, but this will still prevent thousands of hours of suffering for laying hens).

These reforms mark the first steps forward for Quiznos, and we wish those companies resisting change would at least make similar moves (come on Subway, what are you waiting for?). That said, not eating animals (or their eggs or milk) is still the best way to help them. So while it is terrific that pigs, chickens, and turkeys will now suffer less for some of Quiznos’ products, I’ll stick with those veggie subs.

Written by Matt Prescott

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