PETA Calls Out Animal Experimenter During ‘The Bachelorette’

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read

Colorado State University (CSU) experimenter Gregory Ebel just keeps finding new ways to get his hands on wild birds to torment and kill in pointless and deadly West Nile virus experiments. Colorado Parks and Wildlife cited him, fined him, and finally suspended his trapping license after PETA filed a legal complaint and demanded an investigation. But despite the suspension, Ebel keeps acquiring birds. Now he’s using the trapping license of fellow CSU animal experimenter Richard Bowen to trap American robins illegally.

So CSU and Ebel will get their own “elimination ceremony” on Monday night, courtesy of a PETA ad during The Bachelorette. Our ad shows exactly how Evil, whoops, Ebel hurts wild birds in experiments and what people can do to stop him. But to beat the censors, we’re having a teddy bear stand in for the animals.

The ad will air in both Denver and Fort Collins to expose what the school is hiding.

For 13 years, Ebel has been capturing crows, robins, and other birds from the wild to abuse and kill.

crows, bird in laboratory, colorado state university, csu, gregory ebel

He infects them with West Nile virus and watches them suffer from fevers, anorexia, difficulty controlling their movements, and multiple organ failure. Then either they die or he kills them.

Ebel admits that these experiments have no bearing on human health, because West Nile virus behaves very differently even between different species of birds and much differently in humans. He has failed to develop a cure, vaccine, or any clinical treatments for the disease, and he doesn’t intend to. The experiments are purely curiosity-driven.

crows, birds in laboratory, colorado state university, csu, gregory ebel

PETA is demanding that CSU stop these experiments immediately and that Colorado Parks and Wildlife seize any of the animals who are still alive and transfer them to a reputable wildlife rehabilitation facility. We’re also asking the agency for assurance that it will not reinstate his license in the future. You can help these birds by adding your voice to the call for CSU to stop wasting your tax money on these pointless and abusive experiments:

Tell CSU to End These Cruel Experiments
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