Adoptable Mr. Baker Wants to Spend His Days Loafing Around With YOU!
No offense to the well-intentioned folks who first brought “Mister” to PETA’s mobile clinic for his neuter surgery, but when a PETA veterinary assistant first met the spirited Siamese kitten, she knew instantly that the dapper dude needed a name with a bit more fiber to it.

When the same PETA staffer took Mister home to foster, it only made sense to give the gallant guy a name relevant to the impressive biscuits he churned out day and night. Thus, he was renamed Mr. Baker.

Mr. Baker was 6 months old when PETA first met him, but he only weighed roughly half of what a thriving cat of his age should weigh. Out of concern for Mr. Baker’s health, PETA’s veterinarian held off on his neuter surgery and opted instead to administer fluids and put him on a special diet. Upon his return to PETA’s clinic, the still-struggling cat had gained no weight and had ocular discharge, too. After his original guardians admitted that the sweet-natured feline required more care than they could offer, PETA stepped in to fulfill Mr. Baker’s kneads.

Although Mr. Baker was all “shy guy” at first, once safe and loved in foster care, he was quick to show off his wild side.

In his foster home, the only thing Mr. Baker loves more than tasty treats is spending time with his new feline friends. Now roughly 7 months old, he has an older guy mentor, Archer, who’s teaching him everything he knows.

With the help of his new gurus, Mr. Baker has shed his crust and risen to the occasion—becoming a playful, trusting, loving kitten.

With his eyes clear and his weight closer to optimal, Mr. Baker has been neutered and vaccinated and is prepared to travel to any home on the East Coast that his foster guardian deems worthy.

If you’re the missing half of adoptable Mr. Baker’s purrfect dough-o, then he’s bready to meet you!
E-mail [email protected] to learn more.