Kevin Nealon Talks Kangaroos

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read

Kevin_Nealon.jpgWe caught up with Weeds star Kevin Nealon last week to shoot a little PSA in our veggie testimonial series, in which vegetarian celebrities talk about what got them to make the switch to a meatless diet. At the end of the shoot, Kevin wanted to take a few moments to talk about the ridiculous kangaroo-leather bill—SB 880—that’s ominously making its way through the legislature in his home state of California. He also took the opportunity to finally speak openly about his deep-seated fears about driving in reverse. If you’re from California, and you share Kevin’s distaste for anti-kangaroo legislation, you can take action here. If you also share his phobia about driving backwards, I’m afraid there’s nothing I can do to help you.


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