Factory Farms Too Hazardous for Politicians?

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read
rockinontheblog / CC

Well, we tried—but our permit to set up a factory farm display on the steps of the U.S. Capitol has been denied. Apparently, the Capitol Police thought that such a display posed “significant public health concerns about the possible spread of the H1N1 virus.”

Hmm. That just might have been our point.

So, it’s not safe to allow members of congress and lobbyists to be exposed to factory farms, but it looks like tough luck for the millions of Americans in rural areas who have to live amidst the poisonous waste of factory farms. And although the president has declared swine flu a national emergency, the government continues to prop up the industry that caused the crisis (to the tune of $62.6 million in one year alone—with the possibility of $250 million more in the coming fiscal year).

What do you think?

If factory farms are banned from the U.S. Capitol, should they be banned everywhere?(polls)


Written by Amanda Schinke

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