‘Community’ Star Does Right by Dogs

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read

If you’ve seen NBC’s hit comedy Community, then you’ve surely noticed Yvette Nicole Brown, who plays Shirley—she’s a standout, even in a cast full of top-notch comic actors. So it was good to find out from a recent interview that the very funny Ms. Brown doesn’t find it humorous when people don’t give their dogs enough time and attention:

YNB: I want a dog, but I’m not home enough and I want my dog to have a good life, so …

Toi: So you wouldn’t get one of those purse pooches?

YNB: No because it’s 12 and 14-hour days [that I work]. I don’t want my dog to be in my trailer all day. I want him to be at the dog park and have a good life. A good life is not living in my purse.

Toi: (Laughter)

YNB: I’m going to put the dog’s needs before my need to be a dog owner right now. Until I can be a good dog owner, I won’t be a dog owner.

Thanks for keeping dogs’ best interests in mind, Yvette!

If dogs are part of your family, check out these tips about how to be the Best. Guardian. Ever.

Written by Jeff Mackey

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