Can Animals Save America’s Most Violent City?

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read

The Federal Bureau of Investigations just released preliminary data of America’s most violent cities, and Flint, Michigan, had more reported crimes per capita than any other large city. Number two, Detroit, trailed by a wide margin. So to help Flint stop resembling scenes from The Godfather, PETA has made the city an offer it can’t refuse—or at least it shouldn’t. We offered to pay the cash-strapped city to display this banner across City Hall and other government buildings:

As we explained in our letter to Mayor Dayne Walling:

The violence inherent in producing meat, eggs, and milk today would shock all but the most hard-hearted person. Chickens and turkeys have their throats cut while they’re still conscious, piglets are castrated without being given any painkillers, fish are suffocated or cut open while they’re still alive on the decks of fishing boats, and calves are torn away from their mothers within hours of birth. Buying meat, dairy products, and eggs means paying for these practices to continue—effectively, hiring the hit man.

But eating vegan means making a conscious effort to be compassionate three times a day.

And because people who deliberately abuse animals often go on to commit violent acts against human beings, Flint might also help stem the flow of violence by advocating respect for animals—and encouraging citizens to report any suspected acts of cruelty. 

Reducing violence in Flint means helping people to put down their weapons, starting with the steak knife

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