Al Gore to the Public: Do as I Say, Not as I Do

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read

Al Gore admitted to an audience at a political blogger conference that he may, indeed, be bad for the environment and guilty of contributing to global warming. Why? Because he just can’t seem to stop eating meat, which is more harmful to the global warming crisis (which Gore is known for being a teeny bit fanatical about) than all of the world’s cars, trucks, SUVs, and planes combined!


According to Ezra Klein at, Gore said, “It is true that it would be healthier for us as individuals and as a planet if we consumed less meat. I acknowledge that. … I myself am a meat eater and maybe that’s had some effect” (emphasis mine). How did he go from acknowledging that vegetarianism is better for individuals and the planet to saying that maybe his choice to eat animals has some negative effect?

Without committing to any changes in the present, Al Gore explains that he “plead[s] guilty” and that we must “walk before we can run.” Seriously? He doesn’t know how to walk the walk on this issue? Have we not been clear enough with this guy? We’d love to love you, Al, but please stop clinging to the one thing that is so devastating for the world while asking everyone else to drop their bad habits.

What’s next, M.A.D.D. beer cozies sized to fit in your car’s cup holder? Ugh.

Posted by Sean Conner

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