Watch Now: Harvard Experimenter Blames Cartoons for Empathy Toward Animals

Harvard tax-funded monkey torturer Margaret Livingstone thinks people want her to stop abusing baby monkeys because they watched too many cartoons as children. Here’s what WE think.

Sanofi: Bribery, Deceit, Overcharging Veterans, and Torturing Animals

Sanofi has a two-decade rap sheet of bribery, deceptive marketing, overcharging veterans, and more—on top of the animal torture PETA found.

Beagle Factory Farm Keeps Dogs in Feces-Filled Cages: Video Offers Rare Look

A massive laboratory supplier warehouses thousands of beagles in filthy cages on a factory farm. A new video released by PETA offers a rare look at their lives.

PETA to Med Students: 3 Questions to Help Save Animals and Your Education

If you’re looking for a career in medicine, you’re probably eager to learn with the best training tools available. And since not all schools’ programs are created equal, here’s how to find the best ones.

BOYCOTT SANOFI: Cruelty-Free Products to Use Instead 

Drugmaker Sanofi doesn’t deserve a single dollar for its near-drowning tests on animals. Shop PETA’s recommended cruelty-free products instead!

PETA Entity Reps and Child Jailed in Ethiopia Over Monkey Shipments

Ethiopian authorities jailed the three protestors, one of whom was 11 years old, over 24 hours for simply looking at a protest site. You can help out, as they regroup.

© Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals Media
Righteous ‘Rodent’ Is a Squeaky Wheel at Trump-Harris Debate in Philadelphia

PETA’s “mouse” mascot made a big squeak outside the 2024 Trump-Harris Presidential debate in Philadelphia. Here’s why.

PETA Wants Answers: Did Maryland Schools Break State Cruelty Laws in Baboon Deaths?

A baboon bled to death, and another one was strangled at separate Maryland universities. PETA wants police to investigate and levy possible charges for violating laws against cruelty to animals.

Lies and More Lies: PETA Exposes Manuel Elkin Patarroyo’s Many Falsehoods

How often can one person lie before it comes back to haunt them? The founder of a monkey torture center in Colombia is about to find out.

The Buck Stops Here—‘Mouse’ With a Message Makes Headlines After Crashing Debate

The National Institutes of Health is bleeding taxpayers dry while experiments on animals go nowhere. A mighty “mouse” crashed the presidential debate to reveal what our country’s next leader can do.

Campaign Updates: Utah State University Torments Rats in Psychology Course

Semester after semester, undergraduate students at Utah State University (USU) who are enrolled in a course called Advanced Analysis of Behavior (PSY 3400) are required to lock rats inside barren metal boxes where the animals are trained to push a lever to receive food pellets, all while being bombarded with random bursts of bright light.

New Paper by PETA Scientists Tackles Flawed Pharmaceutical Experiments on Animals

In a newly published paper, PETA scientists lay bare a solid plan for ending two of the pharmaceutical industry’s most cruel and pointless experiments on animals.

PETA to Mango Board: ‘UnaPEELing’ Animal Experiments Are Nothing to Celebrate

It’s National Mango Month, but this fruit organization’s cruel and deadly experiments on animals are nothing to celebrate. Help us core this rotten business!

Animal-Free Research Boosted by Awards From PETA Science Group

A PETA science group awarded a German researcher working to replace the use of animals in inhalation tests and remove animal parts from educational laboratories.

Major Health Agency Slashes Funding for Sepsis Experiments on Animals After Push From PETA

Animals spared! PETA challenged cruel, pointless sepsis experiments on animals. The government couldn’t ignore us.

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