Beyond ‘Chimp Crazy’: The PETA Foundation’s Precedent-Setting Legal Battles

The work of the PETA Foundation’s crack legal team goes far beyond what’s shown in HBO’s “Chimp Crazy.” Here are some of our other historic cases!

VICTORY! PETA Scores a Texas-Size Win Over Charles River Laboratories

Charles River Laboratories is scrapping plans to build the largest monkey prison in the Western Hemisphere after PETA’s 11-month campaign against it.

STEM Students Sound Off: Learn How Testing on Animals Affects the Humans Who Do It

Personal trauma over experimenting on mice and other animals is creating a brain drain in scientific fields. PETA knows that institutions can recover and evolve.

Lies and More Lies: Capitol Hill Monkey Hearing Exposes Deceitful Industry

Testimony from monkey dealers at a congressional hearing stacked with monkey importers and their apologists shows we’re all at risk.

What Can You Do to Keep Your Sunscreen Cruelty-Free? 

If you’re planning on catching some rays, you should catch up on the latest ways the government is pressuring sunscreen companies and what PETA’s doing to save lives.

PETA Scientists Applaud Another Step Toward Non-Animal Pyrogen Testing

For years, PETA scientists have urged regulators to accept non-animal methods for pyrogen testing instead of using horseshoe crab blood.

How PETA’s Case for Monkeys Exposed a Hidden World to Everyone

How did PETA’s Silver Spring monkey case rock the boat and make humans question the ways in which we treat our fellow animals? Listen to this interview with Ingrid Newkirk.

Victory! Pressure From PETA Grounds AELF FlightService’s Cruel Monkey Shipments

We did it! After hearing from PETA and thousands of our supporters, AELF FlightService has agreed to stop flying monkeys to their deaths in U.S. laboratories.

Sink or Swim? Anjelica Huston Hands University the Key to a Successful Future

What the University of Bristol does to small mammals is nothing short of wicked. Anjelica Huston knows there’s a better way.

Breaking: University of Washington Hears PETA! Experiments Stopped; Suffering of Irradiated Monkey to End

A rogue professor at the University of Washington violated protocol and repeatedly sickened and irradiated a monkey to the point of near death. PETA is calling for her immediate removal.

Campaign Updates: Canada Must End the Importation of Endangered Monkeys From Cambodia for Use in Labs

Canadian officials continue to allow laboratory-bound monkeys from Cambodia into their country. Please take action today to urge Canada to end its involvement in this corrupt and dangerous industry.

Meet PETA Science Group’s 2024 Award Winners From Around the World

From winning travel and training awards to receiving new technologies, innovative researchers who embrace animal-free testing won big this year.

Victory! National Mango Board’s Seedy Tests on Rats and Mice End Following Pressure From PETA

The National Mango Board’s rotten-to-the-core animal experiments are over. Get the juicy details on PETA’s campaign that led to this victory.

Federal Report Confirms PETA’s Findings: NIH Wastes Your Money Without a Care

Are foreign laboratories running amok with U.S. taxpayers’ cash? A new federal report confirms what PETA has uncovered.

Campaign Updates: Ethiopian Airlines Sends Monkeys to Their Deaths in U.S. Labs

Please take action today to help PETA convince Ethiopian Airlines to join nearly every other major airline in the world by refusing to ship sensitive beings to laboratories.

© Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals Media
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