Vote Now and Name That Dog

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read

After receiving a ton of endearing, funny, interesting, odd, and clever submissions for our contest asking how you would like to rename “mutts” with a moniker that celebrates rescued dogs‘ uniqueness and diversity, we’ve narrowed the list to four terms, and the pollsters are ready to start tallying the votes.

Which new term for rescued one-of-a-kind dogs is your favorite?

The winning name will be made into a bumper sticker reading, “I ♥ my ____,” that will be sold at PETA’s CafePress store. But the smarty who submitted the winning term will snag a free sticker, along with a gift basket brimming with goodies for their pedigree-free pup.

Stay tuned to see which name will claim the fame!

Poll closes December 12th and winner will be notified by December 15th.

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