Saving Animals With … Stand-Up Comedy?

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read

A man who would give any carnivorous comedian a run for his money, Jamie Kilstein was featured in VegNews, rocked a pro-vegetarian shirt on Conan, and appeared on CNN and Showtime’s The Green Room. We scored an interview with the irreverent vegan and got a delicious taste of his animal-friendly comedy.
Warning: Video contains explicit language.


What’s the funniest thing that’s ever happened to you while on stage?
During my experimental artsy phase (read: not funny), I went on stage in Edinburgh totally naked. The show was advertised as naked comedy and I went out expecting a bunch of “art patrons.” It was just five creepy dudes expecting naked girls who instead got me yelling about global warming while pant-less.

What persuaded you to go vegan?
We grow up with such love for animals, farm animals, pets, Disney movies! Who wants to eat the cast from The Little Mermaid?!

How do you respond when a carnivore asks if it’s healthy to be vegan?
First I laugh because they are usually out of breath from saying that. Then it’s simple facts and leading by example. One of the places I get the least amount of crap is at my gym. You would think it would be a bunch of meat heads demanding to see my protein certificate but they see me finishing all the drills before them, so they are curious. So that’s my answer – I would challenge them to a fight.

What do you like most about PETA?
Courage! It’s so easy to go to a bar, get drunk and talk a bunch of $@*& about what you’re going to do to “the man,” then wake up too hungover to actually do anything. PETA reminds you that people are still willing to dedicate their lives to fighting and that’s very rare nowadays.


Jamie and his wife, Allison Kilkenny, host a show on Citizen Radio. Check it out and share it with your carnivorous friends. They’ll laugh out loud—and then go vegan.

If Jamie has inspired you to find creative, fun ways to get involved with animal rights, be sure to join PETA’s Action Team.

Written by Michelle Sherrow

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