Reality TV Stars Ditch Elderly Dog

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read

Last night’s episode of All-American Muslim caused many viewers to have an all-American meltdown.

One of the show’s “stars,” Shadia Amen-McDermott, cited allergies and insisted that her husband, Jeff McDermott, get rid of his elderly dog, Wrigley. When the cameras recorded a sad and confused Wrigley trying to follow his beloved guardians after they dropped him off at his new home, the Twitterverse exploded with cries for the couple to take back the dog and for viewers to boycott TLC until they did.

PETA supporter and Running Russell Simmons star Simone Reyes posted an online letter to Amen-McDermott beseeching her to do the right thing.

[M]y heart was beating outside of my chest with sadness and rage. … [I]f you mess with an animal I’m coming for you. So, here I am and I’m calling you out.

PETA is getting into the fray by offering TLC a public service announcement highlighting how Islam teaches compassion for animals and abstention from cruelty. The timing couldn’t be better, since Lowe’s pulled all its ads from the show amidst controversy over the show’s Muslim theme. We’re hoping that TLC can find a place for our poignant message.

And we hope that the Amen-McDermott household can find a place in their hearts for Wrigley. After devoting his life to Jeff, the last thing Wrigley deserves is to spend his golden years feeling rejected.

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