72 Piglets Dead After Farm Workers Jump on Them for ‘Fun’

Published by Danny Prater.
1 min read

Video shot in Spain’s Almería province shows a farm worker jumping on terrified piglets—for “fun”—after he’d reportedly trapped them in a hallway.

Both the man seen in the video and the man who recorded it were eventually caught by the Spanish Civil Guard and charged with animal abuse, but for 72 of the piglets, it was too late. Nineteen of them reportedly died during the incident, crushed beneath the man’s weight, while 53 more died later from their injuries, according to Spanish news outlet EL PAÍS.

Abuse on farms is business as usual.

From mother cows on dairy farms traumatized when their newborn calves are stolen from them to chickens and turkeys packed by the thousands into ammonia-filled sheds, animals suffer immensely in the food industry. Profit—and in the case of these 72 dead piglets, even “fun,” apparently—takes priority over animal welfare.

When you buy meat, dairy “products,” eggs, or other animal-derived items, your money supports the rampant abuse in the global animal agriculture trade, which video after video has shown.

Every piece of bacon, pork, ham, chicken, or beef on a plate is the end result of a long process filled with cruelty behind closed doors. The compassionate and responsible choice that anyone who is shocked by this video can make is to go vegan.

If you need help getting started but don’t know where to begin, don’t worry—we’ve got you covered.

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