PETA Launches Cutest Campaign Ever

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read

I am thrilled to announce the launch of the cutest campaign ever to exist: Save the Sea Kittens! In an effort to get people to think about fish in a whole new way, we decided to change their name for a while. If people had to order “sea kitten sticks” at a restaurant, I guarantee that the world would think a bit differently. Imagine that you open your menu and decide on the salmon—and then this image pops into your head:



Yeah, I think you’d go with a different menu item after that little reminder (might I recommend this dish if you’re craving that flavor, as it’s delicious and causes none of the cruelty).

It’s easy to order and purchase meat when it’s wrapped in neat, clean little packages, void of all the blood and pain that goes into creating it. Fish get an especially bad deal. People go fishing (a.k.a. sea kitten hunting) all the time without a care in the world—because fish can’t scream and force people to think about the cruelty of their actions.

So we’re changing things up a bit now and helping to give fish everywhere a voice. When people realize how fascinating (and adorable) fish can be, they might think twice. I took it a step further and dressed up my own sea kitten (which you can do, too, by clicking here). I’m pleased to introduce you to Ruth, my new swimmy lil’ pal:



Isn’t she grand? Probably the best sea kitten ever created—but you can try to prove me wrong. Dress up your own sea kitten and leave me a comment to tell me his or her name. We’ll have ourselves a little sea kitten party up in here! In our new feature, we’ve pulled out all the stops. You can read sea kitten bedtime stories, grab your own sea kitten computer décor, and even take action to try and stop sea kitten hunting.


Written by Christine Doré

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