Creative Chimpanzees Use Log to Bust Out of Kansas City Zoo

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read

Chimpanzees share 98 percent of our DNA. And sometimes they prove to be even more creative than we are—particularly when it comes to getting something they really, really want, such as their freedom.

Workers at the Kansas City Zoo thoroughly inspect the chimpanzee enclosure every morning to make sure that there is nothing that the chimpanzees might use to stage a jailbreak. But yesterday, that wasn’t enough. The animals outsmarted their captors.

As reported by KCTV5 News, one of the chimpanzees yanked a 6-foot-long branch off one of the trees, propped it up against the enclosure wall as a makeshift ladder, and climbed over. Six other chimpanzees quickly followed.


The area on the other side of the wall was used by staff and wasn’t accessible to the outside, so their freedom was short-lived. But the animals’ intentions were clear.

Life in captivity is no life at all. Help send the message that it’s time to close zoos and give animals back their freedom by never buying a ticket.

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