Winner! PETA Snipped…

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read

Update: The correct answer is that during March, PETA’s three mobile clinics spayed or neutered a whopping 882 animals. Thanks for participating in our contest and for your generous donations that keep the mobile clinics running. 

Every day, PETA’s fleet of mobile veterinary clinics provides animals in Virginia and North Carolina with no-cost to low-cost spay-and-neuter surgeries. If you can correctly guess how many animals PETA “snipped” in March, you could win a dog-pampering set, complete with a new bowl, a Kong, treats, toys, and Ingrid E. Newkirk’s book Let’s Have a Dog Party! 

Meet Bridgette and Lucy, just two of the animals who won’t be “littering,” thanks to their low-cost surgeries in March:

Submit your guesstimates for how many animals PETA snipped in March in the comments section. The person whose guess comes closest to the actual number will win.

Good luck!

Written by Michelle Sherrow

The person whose answer comes closest to the actual number of animals PETA spayed and neutered in March will be the winner. In the event of a tie, a random drawing will be held to determine the winner. The contest will end on April 18, and we’ll contact the winner on April 20. Be sure to read our privacy policy and terms and conditions, as you’re agreeing to both by commenting. No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited by law.

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