Alec Baldwin’s a Member—Are You?

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read

What does Alec Baldwin never leave home without? No, not his iPhone—his PETA membership card, of course!

Alec knows that a PETA membership card is a great way to show your compassion for animals, and of course, all year long, your tax-deductible donation will work to save animals from suffering.

For just $16 a year—4 cents a day—you can put humane-education materials in classrooms, provide aspiring vegans with the tools they need to save animals every time they eat, and give doghouses to cold, chained dogs. You can place cameras in the hands of PETA’s undercover investigators, spay and neuter dogs and cats, and send PETA’s “Leopard Ladies” out on the road to educate shoppers about the cruelty of wearing fur.

And if you become a PETA member before the end of this month, you’ll give animals even more—a donor has agreed to contribute $10 for every new member who joins in January. You’ll also get a yearlong subscription to Animal Times magazine and a 2012 “Rescued” calendar packed with pictures of beautiful animals who were saved because of people like you.

We’re aiming to start 2012 off with a bang—with 2,012 new members. Click here to become a card-carrying PETA member like Alec Baldwin today!

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