7 Things You May Have Missed This Week

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read

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If you plan to spend part of the weekend knocking around the house, did you know that you can help animals every time you take out the trash?

Been jamming to some One Direction? Guess what really makes you beautiful.

Soccer moms aren’t the only ones who can regale you with stories of their children’s first words. Goats recall the sound of their kids’ bleats even after they’ve been separated for a long time.

I can’t top this headline, so I won’t try: “Single Parent Beaver Dad Gives a Dam.”  


After a truck hauling 600 turkeys for Circle S farm overturned, workers left turkeys to suffer for hours and allegedly abused others. Help us put pressure on Circle S to develop a humane accident-response plan.

Officials with Florida’s Suwannee River Water Management District are considering allowing bowhunting on district lands. Urge the board not to allow bowhunting, which often causes deer to die slowly and painfully when they are shot but not killed.

Thank you for helping to free birds trapped at an Illinois mall! After hearing from all of you, officials freed the birds, veterinarians treated those with injuries, and the mall is making its roof safe for birds.

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