Feds Confirm PETA Exposé of Mass Suffering, Death at Lone Star Organic Dairy
For Immediate Release:
February 4, 2025
David Perle 202-483-7382
After PETA shared a whistleblower’s report of cows forced to lie in their own manure and dying in droves at Lone Star Organic Dairy in Van Zandt County, a U.S. Department of Agriculture National Organic Program certifier inspected the farm and was able to corroborate many of the damning allegations—including that it had failed to provide veterinary care to numerous calves and heifers before they died and confined them to filthy pens overflowing with their own waste.
According to records only just released in response to a Freedom of Information Act request, Organic Certifiers visited Lone Star Organic Dairy on December 6, 2023—weeks after PETA submitted evidence and apparently after notifying farm management that they would be conducting an inspection. Upon arrival, inspectors found a hired company attempting to remove mounds of manure piled over 4 feet high from inside cow pens.
The report and subsequent notice of noncompliance confirmed that the farm had a “high rate of mortality in its calves and heifers,” including from “illnesses which can originate and/or be exacerbated by poor living conditions;” that many of the animals who died at the dairy had never received any treatment for their illnesses; that the farm had no pain relief medication on hand for the calves it subjects to painful dehorning at just one month old; and that cows were being shipped off to slaughter in large numbers “due to low repro and milk production.” Officials confirmed that a 14-foot-deep pit of liquid waste—which the whistleblower reported multiple cows had fallen into—had previously been left unenclosed and fully accessible to animals.

Photos from the whistleblower are here, and video footage is here.
Organic Certifiers concluded that the farm “systemically failed to comply with the requirements of the National Organic Program Standards”—yet later agreed to a settlement agreement that withdrew the proposed suspension of its certification and commenced “increased oversight” of the farm for two years.
“At Lone Star Organic Dairy, mother cows were left to languish amid towering heaps of their own filth as their babies suffered and died,” says PETA Vice President of Legal Advocacy Daniel Paden. “PETA is urging consumers to not be deceived by meaningless buzzwords like ‘organic’ and remember that the only humane milk is vegan.”
The whistleblower’s report also included photos showing dead calves strewn throughout the property, allegedly often left to rot for days before being buried. One of the cows who fell into the open pit was filmed weakly treading in the fecal waste and reportedly could barely walk by the time she was finally extracted, and was sold for slaughter. Horizon Organic—the largest organic milk company in the country—suspended sourcing from Lone Star Organic Dairy following PETA’s exposé.
PETA—whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to eat”—points out that Every Animal Is Someone and offers free Empathy Kits for people who need a lesson in kindness. PETA’s free vegan starter kit is filled with tips to help anyone looking to make the switch. For more information, please visit PETA.org or follow PETA on X, Facebook, or Instagram.