Next time you fly, you might be served a cup of compassion if you’re traveling on one of these airlines: JetBlue Airways, Delta Air Lines, Alaska Airlines,and United Airlines. That’s because these four major U.S. airlines have all added vegan creamer to their in-flight beverage menus. JetBlue became the most recent addition to this list following discussions with PETA. We received confirmation that the company added oat milk creamer after it received more than 10,000 e-mails from our supporters requesting a vegan option.

By offering vegan creamer on its flights, these airlines are making the skies kinder to cows and more welcoming for the millions of Americans who don’t drink dairy for ethical, environmental, or health reasons.
The demand for vegan milks has skyrocketed in recent years, while the consumption of dairy milk has declined by 40% over the past 50 years. Millions of Americans—including an estimated 95% of Asian Americans and 80% of Indigenous and Black Americans—are lactose intolerant.
On dairy farms, cows are forcibly inseminated and their beloved calves are torn away from them so that the milk meant to nourish their babies can be used by humans. They’re sent to slaughter once their bodies wear out after repeated pregnancies. In addition, animal agriculture is a leading cause of greenhouse gas emissions, species extinction, deforestation, and other environmental disasters.
Ask Other Airlines to Add Vegan Options
Buckle up and join tens of thousands of PETA supporters in urging Southwest Airlines to follow JetBlue’s flight path toward compassion and sustainability by offering dairy-free creamer:
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